The cost of the logo of the children holding the banner was borne by India Alliance for Child Rights [IACR]. It can be translated as:
'Stand for My Rights; Vote for My Rights'
Now the time has come for another national election, and CRT is plannning, funds permitting, to launch another campaign as before:
- Lobby with all the parties in the state for inclusion of appropriate child-supportive promises in their respective manifestos.
- Organise, with the help of local NGOs, face-to-face meets of children and concerned adults with candidates in all districts to place both macro and micro level demands from the Child Rights perspective.
- Print and disseminate lakhs of similar handbills all over the state to voters on the eve of the election dates.
- Use other media opportunities such as press conferences, radio and TV shows also.
- Help organise meetings of local NGOs with elected representatives in different areas to discuss their specific plans to follow up on their and their party's promises.
- Hold, with support of local NGOs, annual follow-up meetings to review progress and discuss further plans.

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