People may aware now also child marriage is happening in our society. There is need fro creating awareness on ill effects of child marriage, about law which is there to protect children from child marriage and protection mechanism and roles of officials in combating child marriage.

Some of the organizations formed network/forum to fight against child marriage through awareness, material distribution etc. CRT is also one of the partner organization along with other organisations.
As part of network CRT conducted a session on anti child marriage situation, roles of CMPOs, law (The prohibition of child marriage Act, 2006) with taluka level officers at Bagepalli, Chikkaballapura district on 29 September 2016.
It was organized by Manush organization. In the inaugural session Judge, Tahasildar, CWC X-Chair Person, College faculty, Manush NGO head were there and addressed the gathering about the issue.
Around 60 people were there from various departments and from NGOs. CDPO, Teachers, AWW and others were there in the session.
Some of the cases were explained to the participants of the programme. In the programme CDPO said that they have filed FIRs regarding child marriage cases in their taluk.
Later Ms.Nagamani, CRT mentioned about importance of convergence and shared information on ChildLine1098, CWC, etc.